Friday, September 19, 2014

Simple HTML form

When you starting web programming, i think it will be good if u can use an IDE as a example Netbeans. IDE make save your time and it will reduce your errors might be occur.

<!--    Header contents goes here    ---->
        <title></title> <!-- Page title is here -->
    <body> <!--    Body contents goes here    ---->
        <!--- Used to load an image to web page, and image will be 100px with and 150px height  --->
        <img src="photo1.jpg" width="600" height="200"/>
        <form action="" type="">
        <!--- Form inputs goes here --->  
        <input type="submit" value="submit"/>
        <!--- Button type of this input's is submit so the form can submit using this button --->


Final out put will be like this, But don't worry about, TY

Look carefully,  default alignments are arranged to left side

This is the simple structure of a HTML page.

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