Friday, September 19, 2014

Simple HTML form

When you starting web programming, i think it will be good if u can use an IDE as a example Netbeans. IDE make save your time and it will reduce your errors might be occur.

<!--    Header contents goes here    ---->
        <title></title> <!-- Page title is here -->
    <body> <!--    Body contents goes here    ---->
        <!--- Used to load an image to web page, and image will be 100px with and 150px height  --->
        <img src="photo1.jpg" width="600" height="200"/>
        <form action="" type="">
        <!--- Form inputs goes here --->  
        <input type="submit" value="submit"/>
        <!--- Button type of this input's is submit so the form can submit using this button --->


Final out put will be like this, But don't worry about, TY

Look carefully,  default alignments are arranged to left side

This is the simple structure of a HTML page.


Short for Cascading Style Sheets, a new feature being added to HTML that gives both Web site developers and users more control over how pages are displayed. With CSS, designers and users can create style sheet that define how different elements, such as headers and links, appear. These style sheets can then be applied to any Web page.


HTML is a language that webpages understand to display images and graphics.

<b> </b> Place these tags around a word and they will bold it.

<i> </i> Place these tags around a word and they will italicize it.

More study about HTML tags